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Troubleshooting is a field of study material that contains elements of problem solving. For example in science lessons, the teacher gives the task to the group of students - students to make inferences mengenaiu how to utilize waste. This subject studied by the method of solving problems. Learners are assigned to think and create, then terminated by the conclusion.
6. Process
Process is a material that depicts the process of something like the process of color change, the process of rainfall, evaporation deposition process or processes. Material field of study process comes from experience. The way to learn is by laboratory experiments or field studies.

The type of material by way of organizing a field of study is divided into four types, namely:
1. Material Linear Field of Study
Linear characteristics of subject areas arranged sequentially from easy to difficult or from the simple to the complex (complex). Its systematic role is quite high, taught barangsur - gradually in accordance with the child's developmental level. For example in math, the material composed of a set of banda - real object which is then represented in the form of numbers.
2. Cumulative Field of Study Materials
Material field of study is not structured in a series of levels that glow like in the field of linear studies. Methodological approach is child - centered, that teaching is entirely centered on the needs, interests and concerns of students. Material field of study will be successful given the start of a whole toward kpada parts - parts. The teaching method is most suitable unit for this lesson.searscard om-login-online-bill-payment/